21 November 2011

obsessions on a monday

I am driving back home on Wednesday morning and am so excited. My productivity level has been at an all-time low, and I'm very impatient to see everybody!

Meanwhile on this lovely Monday/this past weekend, I have been really into the following things:

U.K. Vogue thanks to the wonderful Amy's mom/mum! Seriously drooling over every page. I'm trying to refrain from speed-reading through it, it's just so pretty.

I'm getting pretty good at these at-home mani's. essie in tart deco=my all-time fav.

The changing colors of leaves that means Fall is here, Winter is near.

New Nars lipstick in Heatwave. The perfect orange/red as recommended on a cup of jo.

Just listened to her new album, Ceremonials on Spotify tonight. This song makes me feel like I'm on drugs, in love, dreaming, sleeping, so happy. It's perfect.

19 November 2011

photo of the day

A group of UC Davis students were pepper sprayed on Friday after being asked to leave and remove their tents from campus. After 3 minutes, the students didn't leave.. because they had a right to be there, they were assembling peacefully, the campus was open, etc.. 

This disgusts me. 

18 November 2011

OK. let's talk about...

This photo on Stockholm Streetstyle today. Is this girl 4real? I wouldn't mind those sunglasses, lipstick, top, hair, bracelet, shorts, and the car behind her. 

OK that's all. 

16 November 2011

just some free speech, y'all

There are a number of things going on in my world right now and they are really pissing me off. Where should I start?

My education

As a student of the California State University system, I am affected by the strike that is going to occur tomorrow. The faculty, and most-likely students from different universities, are striking in order to make a point about Chancellor Charles Reed who has been in his position for over ten years. His salary increases, while those of the faculty decrease, and tuition rises year after year.

This leads me to my frustration with the state of California.

Today, there was a California State University Board of Trustees meeting in Long Beach regarding tuition. The board voted to increase tuition 9% by 2012. 

This means that next fall, tuition will have increased $500, or just under $6000 per year. Are you serious? The CSU system is in place so that everyone can receive an education at a reasonable cost. How do those board members think that this is okay? Oh, probably because most of this money is going straight into their pockets. 

I have about a year and a half left of school, probably more since it's difficult to get into the classes I need because of budget cuts........... so at least $12,000 more to add to my debts. Wonderful. 


I found this video on the guardian... an animation showing how the wealth is distributed in the United States. It is super informative, and might even make you more likely to go out and protest with the Occupy Wall Street people. I know it does, for me. 

You can get the data behind the research here, too. 

*Side note: In case you were wondering, if you videotape a police officer making an arrest or doing whatever, you are protected by your Constitutional rights. So, if you're at Occupy getting arrested, record away, even if the officer is screaming at you to stop. 

And finally, today, I am very pissed off at the United States government as a whole. 

It's been brought to my attention that there is an Internet piracy bill, Stop Internet Piracy, or SOPA, being discussed in Congress. This bill would block sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, YouTube, basically sites that you and I go on daily. 

This bill has a high chance of being passed because of financial backers with corporate interests in both the House and Senate. (hellllllo, 99%!)

According to the Washington Post, many Silicon Valley companies agree that piracy is a problem, but this legislature just goes too far. Not only does this infringe on our right to free speech, but it makes us JUST LIKE China, Iran, and Syria! Censorship should never be in the cards for the United States, and this is a step in the wrong direction. 

Below is an infographic I got off of mashable explaining what the SOPA means to you and me: 

So what's next?

I think the best answer that I can come up with is to stay involved. Stay informed. Put the word out to the rest of you guys of what is going on. Get your news from multiple sources. If you don't like something, change it.And always question what is told to you. 

14 November 2011

Elle & Dakota

Dakota & Elle Fanning are on the cover of W magazine for December, and they look amazing. Also amazing is that they are only 17 and 13. Babies!

Another sister duo I might love just as much as MKA.

Dakota was amazing in Man on Fire, one of my most favorite movies.. Elle amazing in Super 8 & Somewhere.

And after watching their screen shot videos on the front page of W magazine, I don't think I'd mind hanging out with them, either.

07 November 2011

29 ways


*remind me to watch this when the going gets tough.

watch instantly tonight

Hello! It has been a very un-productive/productive Sunday to say the least. Un-productive if you think doing homework is what I should have been doing, or productive if you think I should have been in my pajamas in bed while drinking coffee & Watching Instantly on Netflix all day.

Because that is exactly what I have been doing. Oh, and I painted my nails #dark.

Anyway, if you are one of many who has the funds to watch instantly on Netflix, (or I've just realized it's streaming on Hulu, too!) I suggest you watch Bill Cunningham New York. It's a documentary about the original street style photographer who shoots for the New York Times style section. He's been at it for years!

After watching and my nails had dried, I was really inspired to get a film camera, to write more stories, to take my journalism class more seriously, and to go shopping for cuter clothes.

You can look at Bill's shots from this week here.

P.S. a list of the 10 best documentaries here. I would add Babies & The September Issue, though!

04 November 2011

Like crazy

I miss you like crazy.

Why, yes, I do love crying all over myself in movie theaters, thank you for asking. 

03 November 2011


I've seen a lot of #ThingsLongerThanKimKardashiansWedding, but this one was pretty good. no.4 gets me good.

What are some good ones you've seen?

01 November 2011

binary code day

AKA: 11.1.11 !

What that really means is that new styles of MKA's StyleMint are available.

*YAY* t-shirts!

Are you going to get yours this month?

photos from StyleMint & Interview