I go through waves of being homesick.
Don't get me wrong; it feels great to have moved so far from home and doing things independently (I'm getting there), but being at such a great distance from the place that you grew up is tough. Being away from the ones that I love, the comforts and familiarity of all that surrounded me there.
This week has been great: a new job (finally), actually being passionate & excited about said job, and meeting some great people. My mind has been occupied with thoughts about ingredients to items on a 21-page menu, 30 different kinds of cheesecakes, and waking up early enough to make it there on time.
But now that things are slowing down, my feelings of home-sickness have returned. Talking to my friends on Facebook chat, seeing posts on Instagram, only talking to my boyfriend once a day... it simply isn't enough for me.
I can only say that 'I miss you,' so much. It starts to get old. When will it be that I can see you? Be next to you? Make plans with you for tomorrow? For next week? Tell you that I want to get my Disneyland pass again, because the rest of you go every night and I'm so jealous.
Evenings filled with cotton candy, churros, Space Mountain, spinning teacups, and don't forget the fireworks. Afterward, we can go home and be lazy babes on the couch; you can pick the movie tonight. No, you.
This short video by Gia Coppola really makes me miss home. It has all of the elements of a summer day in Huntington Beach: palm trees swaying in the breeze with a clear blue sky backdrop... salty bathing suit tops and tan skin underneath your dress... messy buns on top of your head.. late nights and cheap beer.. I miss these things so much. I miss these things being in my life all of the time. I miss them being an option to my day.
This is my life at 22 23.