30 January 2012

inspiration mondays

I found this graphic somewhere on pinterest, and was immediately drawn to it. Yeah, yeah, stuff like this is posted everywhere- but for some reason last night, it really stuck with me. It made me realize all of the great things I have in my life by following the things on this list. And also that I wouldn't be where I'm at today without taking risks and going to this new place in northern California. Sometimes taking a step back and really looking at what is in front of you, you realize all of the goodness that is there. 

I pulled out a collage/paint/drawing book and some oil pastels & pencils and was up until 2 just letting some creativity flow out of me. It felt soo good. Today isn't any different; it feels good to be visiting this side of me again, it's been much too long. 

Stay curious, and remember that it's not always as bad as it seems. 


  1. curiosity and creativity are both SO important--I'm so glad you were able to indulge in it a bit! do it more often--and see blogging as another place you can pour yourself :) hope you have a great night! xoxo {av}

    1. Thank you so much for your response! And thanks for your kind words!! I'm finding that my curiosity and creativity are making a come-back and it feels so good :)
